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CPA Talent Strategy Series: The Future of the Profession

January 15, 2024 In the November/December issue of the Tennessee CPA Journal, we examined many of the issues behind the declining number of students choosing to major in accounting. Now, we’re addressing another piece of the puzzle: how burnout and the emotional, physical and mental toll of the dwindling number of CPAs are affecting the profession.

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Tennessee CPA Talent Strategy Series: The Future of the Profession

November 15, 2023 According to a spring 2023 survey for Accounting Today's Top 100 Firms and Regional Leaders report, the country’s leading accounting firms identified 20 major problems they'll be dealing with in the future. Staffing, and staffing-related issues, make up the top five spots out of the 20 identified. This two-part article series takes a deep dive into the challenges the CPA profession is facing related to talent recruitment and retention.

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